terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010

Gaithers Vocal Band - The Best of the Gaithers Live

* Capa não sei c refere a este cd, vou confirmar baixando este cd!!!

Gaither Vocal Band - Alpha And Omega.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - Bein' Happy.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - God On The Mountain.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - I'm Gonna Keep On.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - I Belive in a Hill Called Mount Calvary.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - I Have Decided To Follow Jesus.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - If That Isn't Love.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - Just a Closer Walk With Thee.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - Lamb of God.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - Mary, Did You Know.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - Midnight Cry.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - No Other Name But Jesus.MP3
Gaither Vocal Band - On the Authority.mp3
Gaither Vocal Band - One Day At A Time.mp3
* Cretitos para o Wilton
* Tamanho: 87,425 KB * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Voz*
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