sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010

The Gaither Vocal Band - Greatly Blessed 2010

Artist: Gaither Vocal Band
Album: Greatly Blessed
Release Date: August 10th,2010
Style: Southern Gospel / Adult Contemporary
Label: Spring Hill / EMI CMG / Gaither Music Group
Location: Nashville, TN

1. Better Day (features Michael English)
2. When He Blest My Soul (features Michael English)
3. Love Like I’m Leavin’ (various solos)
4. You Are My All In All (features David Phelps)
5. Please Forgive Me (features Michael)
6. Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored (features Wes Hampton)
7. He’s Alive (features David Phelps)
8. Ain’t Nobody (features Michael English)
9. Clean (features David Phelps)
10. Muddy Water (features Michael English)
11. That Sounds Like Home To Me (features Michael, Mark, and David)
12. I Know How To Say Thank You (features Mark Lowry)
13. He Is Here (features Wes Hampton)

* creditos ao Lucas R. pelo chat
* Tamanho: 63,902 KB * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Vocal*
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