domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010

DVD The Gaither - London Homecoming

Créditos: Tiago Rodrigues

    DVD Songs Include

  1. Come On Children Let's Sing - featuring Kim Hopper, Jessy Dixon
  2. He Came Down To My Level - featuring the Gaither Vocal Band
  3. Comedy - featuring Bill Gaither and Mark Lowry
  4. Walk Together Children - featuring Stephen Hill, Mike Allen, Johnny Minick
  5. I Am - featuring the Hoppers
  6. Looking For A City - featuring Sue Dodge, Vestal Goodman, Kim Hopper, Candy Christmas, Mike Allen, Johnny Minick, Ladye Love Smith, Joy Gardner
  7. We Will Stand - featuring Russ Taff
  8. Morning's Company - featuring Jeff & Sheri Easter, Charlotte Ritchie
  9. Narrative - by Gloria Gaither
  10. Because He Lives - featuring Allison Durham Speer
  11. He's On Time - featuring Ivan Parker
  12. I'm Standing On The Solid Rock - featuring Ben Speer, Wesley Pritchard, Terry Blackwood
  13. Comedy - featuring Bill Gaither and Mark Lowry
  14. Too Much To Gain To Lose - featuring Jake Hess
  15. O, How I Love Jesus/To Me, It's So Wonderful - featuring Terry Blackwood, Kim Hopper, Ladye Love Smith, Jake Hess, Joy Gardner
  16. Medley: Great Is Thy Faithfulness/How Big Is God/How Great Thou Art - featuring Anthony Burger
  17. Give You The Praise - featuring Sue Dodge
  18. The Night Before Easter - featuring Jessy Dixon
  19. Highway To Heaven - featuring Jessy Dixon, Joy Gardner, Ladye Love Smith, Kim Hopper,† Candy Christmas, Allison Durham Speer, Charlotte Ritchie, Vestal Goodman, Gloria Gaither
  20. Narrative - by Gloria Gaither
  21. My Jesus, I Love Thee - featuring Mary Tom (Speer) Reid
  22. Rex Nelon Tribute
  23. The Old Rugged Cross Made The Difference - featuring the Gaither Vocal Band
Agradeço ao Tiago Rodrigues, pela contribuição

Parte 1
Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 01 de 07*
Parte 2
Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 02 de 07*
Parte 3
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*Download aqui Parte 03 de 07*
Parte 4
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*Download aqui Parte 04 de 07*
Parte 5
Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 05 de 07*
Parte 6
Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 06 de 07*
Parte 7
Tamanho: (102,098 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 07 de 07*
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