quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011

Amy Grant – Legacy… Hymns And Faith – 2002 Voz

01. This is my Father’s world
02. My Jesus, I love thee
03. Softly & tenderly
04. I need thee every hour / Nothing but the blood
05. What tou already own
06. It is well with my soul / The river’s gonna feep on rolling
07. Do you remember the time
08. Fields of plenty / Be still my soul
09. Imagine / Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
10. Come, thou fount of every blessing
11. Fairest Lord Jesus
12. Holy, holy, holy
13. What a friend we have in Jesus / Old rugged cross / How great thou art
14. Marching to zion
* Tamanho: 48 KB * Hospedagem: Mediafire
*Download aqui Voz*
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