segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

DVD - Gaither - A Billy Graham Music Homecoming

Créditos: Tiago Rodrigues
  1. Majesty - featuring the Homecoming Friends
  2. Where Could I Go? - featuring Mike Allen, George Younce, the Talley Trio, Vestal Goodman
  3. Morning Has Broken - featuring the Homecoming Friends
  4. This Old House - featuring George Younce
  5. It's No Big Secret - featuring George Beverly Shea, Jake Hess
  6. Tho' Autumn's Coming On - featuring Bill Gaither
  7. Trees Of The Field - featuring the Homecoming Friends
  8. It Is Well With My Soul - featuring Wesley Pritchard, David Phelps
  9. I Shall See You Soon Again - featuring Evie Karlsson
  10. We Will Stand - featuring Ruff Taff, Alicia Williamson
  11. I'd Rather Have Jesus - featuring Sheri Easter, Ann Downing
  12. He Keeps Me Singing - featuring Jake Hess
  13. My Tribute - featuring Russ Taff
  14. Through It All/Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus/Soon And Very Soon - featuring CeCe Winans, Andrae Crouch
  15. I Don't Know Why - featuring the Homecoming Friends
  16. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power - featuring CeCe Winans
  17. Friends/Great Is The Lord/Above All - featuring Michael W. Smith
  18. He Leadeth Me - featuring Buddy Greene on harmonica
  19. The Lord's Prayer - featuring the Martins
  20. The Love Of God - featuring David Phelps, Guy Penrod, Joy Gardner
  21. We Can Only See The Oceans (Narrative) - by George Beverly Shea
  22. My Jesus, I Love Thee - featuring Avalon
  23. He Touched Me - featuring George Beverly Shea
  24. There's Something About That Name - featuring Gloria Gaither
  25. Because He Lives - featuring the Gaither Vocal Band
  26. Narrative - by Gloria Gaither

Créditos: Tiago Rodrigues
Parte 1
* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 01 de 06*
Parte 2
* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 02 de 06*
Parte 3

* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 03 de 06*
Parte 4

* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 04 de 06*
Parte 5

* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 05 de 06*
Parte 6

* Tamanho: (18,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 06 de 06*
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