1. I'm Gonna Sing
2. Not Gonna Worry
3. New Day
4. You Must Be Born Again
5. Heartbreak Ridge And New Hope Road
6. Knowing You'll Be There
7. These Are They
8. Hallelujah Chorus
9. Comedy/Taylor Mason
10. Everything Good
11. When The Rains Come
12. I Love You, Lord
13. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
14. My Soul Is Anchored To The Rock
15. Why Not Crocodile Me?
16. Comedy/Bill Gaither, Mark Lowry
17. What Were You Thinking?
18. He Came Through (The Lord Came Through)
19. Let The Glory Come Down
20. This Is The Time I Must Sing
21. The Really Big News
22. Forgive Me
23. There Is A River
24. It Is Finished
25. Alpha And Omega - Encore!
26. She Loved - Encore!
27. I Will Never Leave You Alone - Encore!
28. New-Born Feeling/William Tell Overture - Encore!
29. Conversation/Bill Gaither, Crowd - Encore!
30. He Touched Me - Encore!
31. There's Something About That Name - Encore!
32. Something Beautiful - Encore!
33. Because He Lives - Encore!
Créditos: Tiago Rodrigues ti-enf@hotmail.com
Parte 1
* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared*Download aqui Parte 01 de 07*
* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 02 de 07*
* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Parte 03 de 07*

Parte 4
* Tamanho: (102,284 KB) * Hospedagem: 4shared*Download aqui Parte 04 de 07*
Parte 7
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