quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

Hold on a little longer (Voz)

Coletânia com os Maiores Cantores do Meio Adventista

01-Jesus Loves Even Me (Connie Vanderman Jeffery,Tiffany Campbell-Dailey,Margie salcedo-Rice)-
02-Jesus Is All the World to Me (Pam Rhodes,Debby Wade,JesseMartin)
03-The Old Gospel Ship (Carla Dawn,Jack Veazy,Marc Judd)
04-A New Name in Glory (The Heralds)
05-Hold On a Little Longer (The Heralds)
06-Tabernacle (Herman and Sonnie Harp,Marvin Ponder)
07-Down by the Creekbank (Del Delker and special friends)
08-Is Your All on the Altar (Del Delker,Jack Veazey,Jerry Patton)
09-Majesty Medley
10-Shepherd of Love (George Swanson,VOP Trio,Larry Crane)
11-I Will Follow Thee(Steve Darmody)
12-Where No One Stands Alone (Joe Pearles,Chuck Fulmore)
13-Leave It There (Paulette Nelson,Marvin Ponder)
14-Lead Me Gently Home (Joe Melashenko)
15-When He Was on the Cross (Jim McClintock,Don Scroggs)
16-Faith Is the Victory (Jim Ayars,Sandy Wyman,Don Scroggs)

créditos: http://7musicalivre.blogspot.com/

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